The fact is that age-related decline is a huge business. As people get older the natural progression in relation to degeneration on a cellular level (aging) is that DNA copies (cellular replication) can begin to degrade. With this breakdown, cells become weaker, the body itself in turn also becomes less strong and resilient as it once was, and illness can creep in.
The biggest secret has gotten almost no attention in the media. The WHO (World Health Organization) has classified Aging as a Disease. It is listed formally in the 11th edition of the International Classification of Disease (ICD) as of 2022. It is described as a gradual decrease in Read More
Much of the health and beauty industry is aimed at marketing to women and women’s needs, but what about us guys? We want to be healthy and feel attractive too, right?
The thing is – we aren’t going to go to the mall, talk to the salesgirls, read endless articles, or peruse Tik Tok videos to see the newest trends. We simply want something that works and real results to back up the claims.
Men’s health and grooming needs are pretty basic. That is why RenovoVita is the perfect fit. We do easy and we do it beautifully.
With just three products in our line, they can keep you looking and feeling Read More
Cellular health is the key to youth.
The question becomes how do you activate cellular health and wellness?
As we age, our body’s regenerative cell functions begin to decline. This can lead to deteriorations in function. On an outward level, this manifests in signs of aging, cancer, and other diseases. It is the breakdown over time of the body, cell by cell. That is what is known as aging.
Up till recent years, aging was thought of as the normal course of life. We know better now. The WHO (World Health Organization) has declared aging a disease. Where there is a “dis-ease”, there is also potential for a cure and Read More
Time and age are strange things. Ask anyone over 40 and you will notice similar feelings of “Where did the time go?” “It seems like I was just 20 yesterday.”
While our hearts and minds grow and expand over time with experience and knowledge that is very welcomed, the advancement that is often seen in our cells, known as aging, is often not so well embraced.
We often still feel young and are confused when looking at our reflection and beginning to see signs of time passage like fine lines, sunspots, wrinkles, less glowing skin, and even a few white hairs. Age has now been classified as a disease by the Read More
NAD+ is acknowledged by scientists as a vital component of the body’s energy production. It is also responsible for the regulation of various cellular processes.
NAD+ is necessary within every cell within the body, as it plays a role in hundreds of metabolic functions. As people get older their levels of this coenzyme begin to decline.
The Power of NAD+
Any scientifically based biology textbook will outline the importance of NAD+, which is a critical coenzyme found within every cell of the body. It plays a role in a wide range of metabolic processes, such as the energy production and maintenance of mitochondria.
NAD+ was discovered in 1906. Since that time scientists have Read More
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Jordan used Virg-N Youth Serum with beautiful results. Just check out her before and after!
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