Affiliate Opportunity

Become an Affiliate with RenovoVita and earn Cash Weekly!

We know you work hard investing in your health. Now reap rewards by helping others. Whether you're an experienced affiliate marketer, online influencer or someone who's looking to make a little extra cash, our Affiliate Program allows you to earn substantial commissions when you refer customers to RenovoVita with your personal link. Simply place links to our products on your website, blog, or social media channels, or simply share by word of mouth. Visitors have the opportunity to buy products from RenovoVita by following your personal link we provide. When your visitors purchase products through our website, we pay you a 25% commission for each sale and up to 40%, based on override bonuses on products your customers and affiliates you've recruited choose to sell! We pay via PayPal every Friday. Check out the video to learn more.

Becoming an Affiliate is totally free and you can start earning a substantial income with very little effort. We handle the customer orders, inventory, tracking, shipping and customer service.

RenovoVita pays you weekly via direct deposit.

Affiliate Benefits

Membership is free
No startup or monthly fees
RenovoVita handles all shipping, tracking and billing
Back office website with reports, tools and training
Minimum 25% commission on all orders paid weekly
and up to 40% commission on all orders through our Tiered Commissions Override bonuses on sales your customers or members of your sales team make.

Our Mission

RenovoVita's mission is to help people live a longer, healthier life through the cutting-edge science of Cellular Regeneration, taking a full body-mind approach. We work directly with the world’s leading scientists, formulators and clinicians to develop sound cellular health products that work!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare professional before using any dietary supplement.

©2019-2022 RenovoVita, Inc. All rights reserved

16427 N Scottsdale Rd Suite 410 Scottsdale, AZ 85254
+1 (480) 718-9111