Using Nutraceutical Science to Look and Feel and Look Younger in Just 3 Steps
There is a reason health and beauty are so often interlinked. Without the basis of great health, true radiant physical beauty isn’t possible.
While there are many paths, fads, tricks, regimens, procedures, and even surgeries that can help you stay looking young, true anti-aging can only happen at a cellular level. This is where the power of nutraceuticals comes into play.
You may have heard it tossed around in conversations or seen it on the cover of a magazine, but do you know what a nutraceutical is?
Nutraceutical is a newer term for the combination of the two Read More
Society is Obsessed with Youth.
The entire beauty market is hyper-focused on looking younger and retaining qualities of a youthful appearance at seemingly all ages. What seems to be often overlooked is the direct link to health and beauty that must be nurtured in order for our outer appearance to remain intact over time.
While we can put on things like makeup, or hair dye, and make ourselves match the colors of our younger days, those are just a masking technique. Once they grow out, fade, or are wiped off, you are back to start again and the reflection in the mirror shines back at us reflecting how Read More
Recently the FDA has reversed its original approval of the supplement NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide). This means that it can no longer be marketed as a dietary supplement. Currently, the decision is not being actively enforced but manufacturers are on alert.
This is a 180-degree reversal of its original decision to add NMN to the approved list.
The reason behind this reversal isn’t that NMN is a danger to anyone, nor that it doesn’t work as claimed. In fact, the problem seems to stem from Big Pharma’s desire to patent this molecule because it is producing such beneficial results. Along with the decision it has simultaneously been authorized for investigation as a Read More