The truth is that this concept has finally become a reality.
Nootropics are a classification of supplements that increase and support cognitive function. Nootropics have been nicknamed “Smart Drugs” or “Smart Pills” and the movie Limitless, circa 2011, was created around the concept of the main character taking a smart pill which released his ultimate potential.
While the movie exaggerates for effect the truth is that the benefits do exist. Even more amazing, nootropics exist in nature and when harnessed and combined using the most exacting science, can be massively beneficial.
Benefits of Supplementing with Natural Nootropics
- Improve memory
- Promote focus and alertness
- Support verbal recall
- Support analytical thinking
- Boost Mental Energy
- Enhance creativity
- Fight cognitive decline
- Enhance learning Read More
No matter how good you are at what you do, we all have days where we feel lackluster and just out of it. It can make being productive at work difficult and if you have a job involving creativity, forget it. The hours may pass very slowly while you pour cup after cup of coffee attempting to rejuvenate.
It can also take a toll on your interpersonal communications at work and with business associates. Those who are over tired and not feeling up to par tend to be more withdrawn, have higher anxiety levels, and even be more short with coworkers which can lead to bigger issues.
While brain fog isn’t Read More