No matter how good you are at what you do, we all have days where we feel lackluster and just out of it. It can make being productive at work difficult and if you have a job involving creativity, forget it. The hours may pass very slowly while you pour cup after cup of coffee attempting to rejuvenate.
It can also take a toll on your interpersonal communications at work and with business associates. Those who are over tired and not feeling up to par tend to be more withdrawn, have higher anxiety levels, and even be more short with coworkers which can lead to bigger issues.
While brain fog isn’t Read More
Are you looking for ways to increase your memory power and focus? Nootropics — also known as ‘smart drugs’ or ‘smart supplements’ — are gaining in popularity due to their cognitive benefits.
Nootropics – What are they and how do they work
Nootropics. It sounds like some kind of futuristic term straight out of a science fiction novel, but in fact, it’s a very exciting real-time topic. Nootropics are a classification of supplements that enhance cognitive function and memory.
Nootropics work by increasing blood and oxygen flow to the brain, helping neurons communicate more effectively. They can even stimulate the growth of new neurons and synapses, promoting overall brain health.
Overview Read More
Let’s face facts. We can go on all day boasting about what amazing products we have, but the proof is in the results that our customers experience. It is for this reason we decided to let them speak by way of testimonial to let you know what others, just like you, have found in using With-N Cell Activation, Zero-N Brain Health Formula, and Virg-N Youth Serum.
“Since I have been taking With-N every day, I have been feeling more energetic and healthier. I am going to be 65 in May, and I’ve never felt better”. – Debbie P.
“Love taking my With-N. I’m a huge believer in NAD+, Read More
Does Brain Fog Have You Feeling Down?
The area of brain health regarding the topic of nootropics has remained relatively unpublicized in the nutraceutical realm. Because of this many haven’t heard of them yet.
What is a Nootropic?
A nootropic is a molecule that has been shown to help support and improve cognitive functions such as attention, creativity, and memory. They may be natural, synthetic, or semi-synthetic. Nootropics are often sold in the form of energy drinks, supplements, and nutraceuticals. They are also found in the pharmacological world as both prescription and nonprescription drugs. They may also sometimes be referred to as smart drugs.
For any substance to be called a nootropic, it Read More
The state of Brain Fog refers to times when a person may feel not so sharp or on top of things. For all of their good intentions, they cannot seem to mentally organize themselves or get their brain in gear. It is a frustrating feeling. You may have a lot to do and feel physically and emotionally unable to keep up or get ahead. It is as if your mind is stuck in a fog, you cannot see clearly through.
It is characterized by feeling easily confused, forgetting what you are doing, lack of focus, lack of drive, a drop in energy, and memory issues.
It can be caused by Read More
At birth, our bodies are completely new. Every cell has a super-fast turnover and replication because we are created and designed to grow rapidly from infant to adulthood in just 18 short years. With this speedy cellular replacement comes fast healing and resilience. We have a naturally youthful glow.
As we begin to get further into adulthood, that replication slows down as we are at our destination in so far as growth in terms of height, weight, and feature development. By the age of 25 things have slowed quite a lot and rather than be in a pattern of growth things begin to reverse. We can begin to age.
The majority Read More