NAD+ is acknowledged by scientists as a vital component of the body’s energy production. It is also responsible for the regulation of various cellular processes.
NAD+ is necessary within every cell within the body, as it plays a role in hundreds of metabolic functions. As people get older their levels of this coenzyme begin to decline.
The Power of NAD+
Any scientifically based biology textbook will outline the importance of NAD+, which is a critical coenzyme found within every cell of the body. It plays a role in a wide range of metabolic processes, such as the energy production and maintenance of mitochondria.
NAD+ was discovered in 1906. Since that time scientists have Read More
That is about as simply as we can state RenovoVita’s entire reason for existence. Unless you are healthy on a cellular level, you can do everything else right – workout, take vitamins, supplement, eat good whole foods, drink pure water and you won’t be fully able to achieve the results you are looking for.
True whole-body health and wellness long-term and sustainability needs to begin inside every cell. When cells are healthy, nontoxic, and replicate correctly, the signs of aging become a thing of the past.
The RenovoVita name translates to Renewal of Life
Our products have been formulated into just 3 concise proprietary blends that help the mind and the body Read More
One thing that all RenovoVita Users Have in Common is that we often are mistaken for being younger than our chronological age.
When your body is cellularly healthy and replicating at faster speeds as it does during the early adult years, it shows. Your skin tends to be more glowing and youthful; you feel more energetic, you show fewer signs of age than your counterparts – an absence of lines, wrinkles, and age spots, and you have a certain pep in your step that often fades with time. All of this adds up to visually appearing to be younger than you may actually be.
While feeling good is the main benefit, Read More
At birth, our bodies are completely new. Every cell has a super-fast turnover and replication because we are created and designed to grow rapidly from infant to adulthood in just 18 short years. With this speedy cellular replacement comes fast healing and resilience. We have a naturally youthful glow.
As we begin to get further into adulthood, that replication slows down as we are at our destination in so far as growth in terms of height, weight, and feature development. By the age of 25 things have slowed quite a lot and rather than be in a pattern of growth things begin to reverse. We can begin to age.
The majority Read More
When it comes to staying young and youthful there is a huge market full of products, fads, and theories, all backed by a mix of science, facts, misnomers, and opinions. There is no doubt that it is confusing to navigate.
We set out to find the fountain of youth and we succeeded! We wanted to take the guesswork out of health, vitality, and retaining our youthfulness. It is for that reason RenvoVita was named and founded on this principle – The renewal of life. We have discovered the exact blend of powerful natural pharmaceutical-grade ingredients that spur the body’s metabolic processes to ramp up to levels lost in our earlier Read More
“Nutraceutical Science”
We have been inundated with this term over and over in the health-related news lately when it comes to supplements, but do you know what it means?
Nutraceutical is a relatively new hybrid term for ‘nutrition’ and ‘pharmaceutical’. The term was coined by Stephen De Felice, founder and chairman of the Foundation for Innovation in Medicine (FIM) in 2010.
Nutraceutical is an umbrella term that helps to describe food, food additives, and dietary supplements which can provide health or medical benefits as well as the basic nutrition derived from the food itself.
The foods used in dual roles from nutrition to supplementation can be labeled as nutraceuticals. These are also sometimes Read More