We are faced daily retouched images depicting what people “should” ideally look like. They bombard us with TV ads, magazines, movies, and more. They all help perpetuate the idea that youthful should be eternal, no matter our age and that if we cant live up to that we are somehow less than.
All of this has lead Americans to search endlessly for a way to hang on to their youthful looks. Cremes, potions, surgery, fillers, Botox, its become a national obsession. It can cause us to become rather preoccupied and introspective, looking into mirrors at home and studying the way we look which in turn can influence how we feel about Read More
Using Nutraceutical Science to Look and Feel and Look Younger in Just 3 Steps
There is a reason health and beauty are so often interlinked. Without the basis of great health, true radiant physical beauty isn’t possible.
While there are many paths, fads, tricks, regimens, procedures, and even surgeries that can help you stay looking young, true anti-aging can only happen at a cellular level. This is where the power of nutraceuticals comes into play.
You may have heard it tossed around in conversations or seen it on the cover of a magazine, but do you know what a nutraceutical is?
Nutraceutical is a newer term for the combination of the two Read More
Society is Obsessed with Youth.
The entire beauty market is hyper-focused on looking younger and retaining qualities of a youthful appearance at seemingly all ages. What seems to be often overlooked is the direct link to health and beauty that must be nurtured in order for our outer appearance to remain intact over time.
While we can put on things like makeup, or hair dye, and make ourselves match the colors of our younger days, those are just a masking technique. Once they grow out, fade, or are wiped off, you are back to start again and the reflection in the mirror shines back at us reflecting how Read More
The Bacopa Monnieri plant has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to improve memory, focus, and clarity. Recent studies have shown that there is some truth to these claims – Bacopa Monnieri can indeed help improve memory function in humans. But that’s not all – there are many other ways people can improve their memory without relying on supplements or drugs. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of the Bacopa Monnieri plant and other strategies people can use to improve their memory!
The Bacopa monnieri plant is a creeping herb that grows in Read More
When we are young our only thoughts about age are that we can’t wait to get older! To reach those double digits, to turn 16 and be able to drive, to turn 21 and be declared legally an adult, but it seems that after that magical number of 21 many stop talking about age, at least they are no longer driving and pushing forward so fast.
By the time you reach 30 many are even lying about their age to sound younger!
When you begin to look around at people you know who are in their 30s, 40s, 50s, even 60s, 70s, and beyond, like most of us you know some Read More
When we are born our skin is new, perfect, and healthy.
As we grow, our bodies are exposed to more and more outside influences that have a profound impact on our cells. Sun, weather, stress, chemicals, age, oxidation, not quite perfect nutrition and much more.
All of these factors can add up to the result of looking older than you are before your time. That isn’t what any of us want.
Up until recently the beauty advice given by generations of women who have come before was to make sure to moisturize and drink lots of water. We were told by our mothers, grandmothers, and aunts that the face, neck, and backs Read More